Thursday, March 10, 2011

you and i

Where are we now
this here forest
we're traveling through
this jungle island
lost in the middle of nowhere
the middle of everywhere
and we keep walking the same path
and the same trees whisper
something inaudible
I don't really try to ascertain
just keep assuming I know the message
assuming I hear words of encouragement
"keep on this path..."
this path with you.
I tell myself, it must be meant to be
because it seems
we've travelled it
we two
so long
and we've walked through thickets
of thorns
and battled saber toothed beasts
rushing waters and
deadly heat
but mostly fought those formless demons
who would rend us apart
and we've also stopped to languish
luxuriantly in crystal pools of shimmering
aguas dulces
we've shared rich nectars and savory meats.
enjoyed long nights of crickets song
the murmur of the wind amid the trees and reeds
and talked of beautiful and pleasant things
and felt our bodies strong as the mountains
our minds and hearts as connected as every
little piece of this biosphere
we have known union
we have known symbiosis
and harmony
we have known misery and discord
  truth and honesty
in splendid magnificence.
and we have also butted heads
and tarried in conflict
and avoidance
so there it is, I tell myself,
there it is.
 what the trees and rocks and birds are saying
what I'm hearing them say,
when I'm truly listening.

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